
Publish Lively and Interesting Flipbook on Digital Publishing Platform for Mac

Digital epoch come, traditional paper printing material is out of date and no longer be the minion of the date. Flipbook appears to be a new trend and plays an important part in people’s life. For electronic devices like Mac, tablet and laptop reach their popularity within few years, thus in these days almost each one owns his/her own digital device. Flipbook read in electronic devices being normal in digital publication world.

The following introduced software named FlipHTML5, is a digital publishing platform for mac and other devices. The interactive flipping book made by FlipHTML5 can be output with Flash and HTLM form, which enable this flipping book available for all kinds of reading platform.  

Page flipping effect

The popularity of digital flipping book is by the reason of the stunning page flipping effect which is known to the public. Realistic recreation of flip effect with a digital format requires a measurable implementation of page flipping animation, the emulation of shadows, and a page flipping sound. These critical factors are one of the most important judging criterions of software quality and price. In FlipHTML5, the page flipping effect is along with a lifelike flipping sound. When flip the ebook, readers feel like flipping the paper book, and their can even let the book flip automatically without manual manipulation.

Interactive elements
To make the flipbook become lively and vividly, interactive elements are the necessity for the page content. Needless to say, publications with interactive elements look much more professional and are more likely to catch readers’ eyes. Add YouTube videos, Vimeo videos, audios, flash, photo gallery, hotspots, and more multimedia to enrich your content. Embedding links is a good way to lead the reader to another page but without a lot of specific coding skills. Just copy a handful of letters and paste to the pages, your target website will realize its ornate turn.

